A Monster
Kid who made good (probably the understatement of the year) is
make-up/effects artists extraordinaire, Rick Baker. Crawling towards
you is the cute little tyke for IT'S ALIVE and
a few of his early creations like SCHLOCK and OCTAMAN.
Just a few years after these drive-in cheapies, AN AMERICAN
WEREWOLF IN LONDON earned Rick the first of his six Academy
Sci-fi T-V goes 3-D
Many fans
consider the original STAR TREK a very deep show. This
photo of the Enterprise being entwined by The Tholian Web
proves just how deep it is.
Hold out your hand and catch George Reeves before he lands
on your keyboard after doing this window leap in THE
of the best Sci-Fi shows of the '60s was THE OUTER LIMITS.
In the episode entitled The Sixth Finger, David McCallum
enters this evolution chamber and is transformed into a man of
the future. Just think, in a few hundred thousand years everyone
will look like monsters. We can't wait!
clear to see that something is bugging Warren Oats in
the O.L. episode The Mutant. It must be the bug-eyes
he got from surfing the web too long. We told him to stay
away from those kind of sites.
Be back next time for more close encounters of the Third
Dimensional kind with MONSTER KID!