create your collectible Crumble Creature Cracker
cereal box featuring Zombo, start with any unopened
individual-sized Kellogg's cereal box. Next
download and print out the Creature Crumble
Crackers package art from the link at the bottom
of the page. Then cut out the art slightly inside
the green outline. Fold the upper and lower
flaps inward and fold at the four side corners
and place the new label over the original cereal
box to check position. Now glue the short side
flap to one side of the box and wrap the label
around the box as shown and glue the other side
flap over down. Last, glue down all the top
and bottom flaps making sure all the graphics
are visible. Now enjoy being the envy of your
fellow Munsters fans by having your own box
of Crumble Creature Crackers on your shelf
Creature Crackers
Spokesperson(?) Zombo